Drawing while watching series:" Wanted" a great Australian show

Yup, I do that too: marathon watching series is great! And of course I have to draw some of the characters as I do, because at some point, because I have watched the series for quite a moment, it's almost as if I knew them: I know how they look, but also how they move, the kind of emotions they convey. So at some point i can freeze the screen and draw, and I find it so much easier to do so, than from a photo, because : 1. I choose the image I freeze, so it becomes "mine", somehow 2. I don't have to be accurate, I got them by the series, so I know my portrait will be "right" nevertheless. I liked "Wanted" a lot, because : It's set in Australia and in Thailand and also in New Zealand. The characters are "quite ordinary" people to whom extraordinary things happen, by chance. It's a wonderful friendship tale. The music is great, and the filming is lovely. I didn't draw all characters, just a few who I had to draw, playing ...