CHATNIC 1 : Inspiration!

On the second Thursday of the month, I host a "Chatnic" at Carmel Art Community, the lovely art community that Martha and Robert McFarren brought to life in Second Life. (Landmark : Carmel Art Community in Second life ) So this first Session of the Chatnic (somehow a chat and a picnic in the park) was held on October 8th, 1 PM SLT to 2 PM SLT (that's 22h-23h CET). I tried to pick an inspiring subject for all kinds of artists, and, truly, what could be more inspiring that INSPIRATION ? So my point with this blog post is to offer you glimpses on what happened then, and maybe interest you in joining us for future sessions? Before diving in, I would like to thank Martha and Robert McFarren owners of the McFarren sim, Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling, visionary artist, Sᴀᴍᴜᴍ (samiraa.adderstein) artist, Bunny (bunnywet) owner of the Pegasus Fine Arts Gallery, Shiloh Emmons, artist, Anouk Lefavre, artist, and Paul Horner (paulhorner) troublemaker, for joining me, and ...