CHATNIC 1 : Inspiration!

 On the second Thursday of the month, I host a "Chatnic" at Carmel Art Community, the lovely art community that Martha and Robert McFarren brought to life in Second Life.

(Landmark : Carmel Art Community in Second life )

So this first Session of the Chatnic (somehow a chat and a picnic in the park) was held on October 8th, 1 PM SLT to 2 PM SLT (that's 22h-23h CET).

I tried to pick an inspiring subject for all kinds of artists, and, truly, what could be more inspiring that INSPIRATION?

So my point with this blog post is to offer you glimpses on what happened then, and maybe interest you in joining us for future sessions?

Before diving in, I would like to thank Martha and Robert McFarren owners of the McFarren sim, Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling, visionary artist, Sᴀᴍᴜᴍ (samiraa.adderstein) artist, Bunny (bunnywet) owner of the Pegasus Fine Arts Gallery, Shiloh Emmons, artist, Anouk Lefavre, artist,  and Paul Horner (paulhorner) troublemaker,  for joining me, and special thanks to Sybyle Perdide for her precious help for preparing this first Chatnic, even if she couldn't attend it this time, and to Samum for the lovely photos.

I started with a question:

What is inspiration for you? Please give me your own definition of inspiration.

Robert McFarren (robertmcfarren): it starts with "i" inspiration, you need to get it for yourself .. but maybe it comes from other sources as .... as like yes ! CARMEL!

Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling (kismaksr): inspiration is something that sparks my creative juices to made something.

Sᴀᴍᴜᴍ (samiraa.adderstein): hmm, inspiration? I guess to me inspiration could be anything or anyone triggering my imagination. Just to keep it in a nutshell :D

Shiloh Emmons: inspiration for me... can be a photo, or an old photograph... a color, a texture... shadow and can be the way splotches of sunlight filter onto a porch or through leaves in a forest.... it can even be a cup of tea.  Yes, it is a sound... sometimes a song...  a solo piano tune or sad cello.....  but definitely a cup of tea!

Bunny (bunnywet): Something I see or hear that triggers those creative juices
I'd also say that education in basics tends to lead to inspiration.
For instance, if I learn about scripting, I think of ways to use that.

Anouk Lefavre: when I start shooting a landscape I forget about everything and everyone. Just shadows/lights, my moods and the inspiration that each place offers

Shiloh Emmons

And then my questions somehow became pointless, as the conversation flowed...

Some big words were uttered: 

Technical knowledge 

Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling

And then there were concepts... and names...

The curator is absent 
The photographer is also a voyeur

 Bunny (bunnywet)

A message from me to the viewer.

Sᴀᴍᴜᴍ (samiraa.adderstein)
Bob Ross 

Robert McFarren

 Martha McFarren (martha.damballar) said "So interesting to listen to all this. Gives curators great insight in to the artists mind.

So, are you curious? Interested? Want to know more? Come to next Chatnic! It will be held on Thursday November 12, 2020, from 1 PM SLT to 2 PM SLT At Carmel Art Community!

and yes, that was your :



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